Sunday, February 9, 2014

Black and white then color

Black allows the painter to study value shifting. The gray scale from 1 to 10 pure white to pure black and the graduated values in between can be an amazing self teaching tool.
Also converting images of a color painting to black and white in the computer provides the artist with lighting fast truth. If it doesn't work well in black and white you may need to reassess your value shifts. With out realizing, one can become dependent on color to do this critical work. Painting in the gray scale will sharpen your minds eye to see opportunity. Monochromatic; any (1) color and white is another great way to develop strong artistic language.
Below is a new Cosmic Light Series painting 48 inches x 48 inches recently completed in the studio using just black and white acrylic. The other two images were developed from that same painting adding color by means of colored lighting not pigment.
Black is perhaps the most misunderstood pigment. Why not experiment?



to see more Cosmic Light go to

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