Making a conscious effort to respond to positive thoughts and picking just the right way to express is a life work in progress. So much wasted time spent on negative thoughts. I Am in control of my own thoughts or I should be. The brain is an organ with a shelf life but the mind is E=mc2. No one has ever looked inside a brain and seen a thought. The brain produces electrical impulses or thoughts which demonstrates power/energy. Thoughts or ideas brought into form took us to the Moon and put mankind's technology on Mars.
Quote "The mind is matter in solution and matter is mind in form"
Phineas Parkhurst Quimby (1802-1866) Unquote.
Basically he is saying that what we think about can and does come from no-thing
(The Mind) manifested into the physical universe as matter in form or some-thing. That's some very positive thought manifesting itself into words and one amazing life work in progress that began over 200 years ago.
The Sculpture looks with mind in solution into a block of stone and sees the desired
form. The painter applies thought and pigment to canvas and brings a masterpiece into form. A writer puts pen to paper and magically thoughts enter the world as form and great works of literature are born. But wait all of these things were just thoughts before they showed up as real. So in a way we can see thoughts after all.
Here's a thought from 2010 (oil on panel 18 x 24)
Called: returning
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