Sunday, July 13, 2014

Change is good

The studio has been quite for a wile.

The warm weather draws inspiration into the garden. Not unlike the canvas the soil also calls for attention. The silent beauty of life coming forth from a tiny seed. A profound lesson for the involved viewer and caretaker. Painstakingly the medium is prepared to receive a tiny container of atoms looking nothing like what it will become. Then once committed, the act of love and care must exist when the gift's emerge. Like first strokes of green they come into existence. A reshuffling off atoms has taken place. Now life has arrived from what seams like nothing into something. Tending this new life must become the artist's obligation in order to produce a masterful outcome. As the days pass into weeks and then months a profound connection between the artist and his work becomes apparent. The work grows strong and beautiful then one day it is barring fruit. The connection becomes more pronounce as the gift of life sets upon the table. Not unlike any life there is the appearance of a beginning and an ending to it. However as the fruit is prepared the artist recognizes that container of atoms and knows it did not die it just changed into something else. It will live again in another place and time. Every moment that passes change was taking place. Nothing stays the same, Every-Thing is in a constant state of change and movement. The universe contains all of existence. Nothing happens outside of it. Everything comes from it and is influenced by it. Nothing dies; it changes. Change is good.

Acrylic on 48 inch round panel called (change)


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